Lee's Chapel Baptist Church


We are a community minded church that seeks to minister to the whole man mind, body and soul. We believe in whosoever will let him/her come. Everyone is welcomed here at Lee's Chapel. We offer a congregation that will love you, A Word from the Lord you can live by, access to an environment you can grow in and a pastor that wants to see you succeed in life spiritually, physically and financially.


YOU WILL: Come as you are!

                     Feel the love of Jesus!

                     Learn the Word of God!

                     Enjoy the fellowship of the saints!

                     Leave better than when you came!


Click here to view our Church History.


Mission Statement

Lee's Chapel Baptist Church is a bible-based, Christ-centered, Holy Spirit Led, mission bound center in the kingdom of God.  We endeavor to equip the saints, evangelize the lost, and enlarge the kingdom of God.  This shall be accomplished through training, prayer, and perseverance.


Activating our faith and coming out of the comfort zone of traditional church activities.  Seeking to lift up Jesus, promote family values, elevate and encourage the community, while reaching out to sinners. You can come as you are but you won't stay as you are! If God be for us who can be against us.


We enter into the sanctuary to worship the Lord and we leave to serve mankind


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